Craniosacral Therapy Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch whole body treatment that releases tensions in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve overall health and performance. It is based on the belief that the body knows how to heal itself when given the right resources. Treatment involves finding and working with the root cause of the issue, which often is not where the symptoms are being felt. The Craniosacral system is made up of the membranes and cerebral spinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The flow of cerebrospinal fluid creates a rhythm throughout the body. When this rhythm is palpated, restrictions can be identified and treated, restoring balance and healing to the entire body. A typical session takes place in a private, relaxing setting. You remain fully clothed while lying on your back on a massage table. Your therapist then uses a light touch, about the weight of a nickel to identify and release restrictions and promote balance within the body. Craniosacral therapy can be used alone or integrated with other therapies. Practitioner: Tana O'Rourke
Visceral Manipulation Viscera relates to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, intestines, and stomach. Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy that aids your body’s ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensation patterns in the organs and surrounding structures that cause pain and dysfunction. Emotions have a great impact on how our body functions. Different emotions can impact different organs by sending tension to the related organ. Visceral Manipulation works to enhance the health of an organ and restore physical and emotional balance. Practitioners: Tana O'Rourke
Reiki Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The name "Reiki" is derived from 2 words: "Rei" meaning divine wisdom & "Ki" meaning life force energy. Reiki is a spiritually guided life force energy that works holistically on the whole person. Practitioners: Nancy Ellis, Erin Boedeker, Tana O'Rourke
Ayurveda Ayurveda, known as the 'science of life', is India's ancient form of folk medicine. Using the lens of the 5 elements and the wisdom of Mother Nature, Ayurveda aims to treat the root cause of disease bringing us into harmony with the natural worlds and back to our true selves. Integrating many healing therapies under the umbrella of Ayurveda, a practitioner gives guidance and balancing recommendations on lifestyle, seasonal and daily routines, diet and nutrition, self care practices, yoga and breath work, herbal supplements and home remedies, Vedic mantra, and astrological influences on the client. Ayurveda offers a an approach to healing that is unique to each individual and treating the whole Being, body, mind and spirit. The kitchen is our own natural pharmacy and Ayurveda empowers us to support and nourish our health, prevent illness and promote longevity. Practitioner: Nancy Ellis Acupuncture Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the oldest continuous systems of medicine in history as well as one of the most commonly used systems of healing in the world. Acupuncture works to both treat the nervous system while also stimulating the brain to release endorphins and opioids in order to actively encourage the body to heal itself. While each person experiences acupuncture differently, most people feel only a minimal amount of discomfort as the needles are inserted. Some people reportedly feel a sensation of excitement, while others feel relaxed. If you experience significant pain from the needles, it may be a sign that the procedure is being done improperly. Practitioner: Erin Boedeker, Melissa Pfannenstiel
Sound Healing Sound therapy is the application of a musical note(s) or specific frequency on, above or surrounding the body with the goal of improving a body’s own vibrational frequency. Using sound and vibration to re-harmonize and attune the human energy field, sound therapy is a non-invasive yet powerful, transformational healing system. We utilize Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, planetary chimes, drums and tuning forks with the goal of bringing the body to a state of balance. Practitioner: Erin Boedeker
Thai Massage Sometimes referred to as Thai Yoga Massage, is ancient form of healing bodywork that branches from Thai Medicine. During a traditional Thai Massage, the client is clothed on a heated floor. Loose, stretchy clothes are recommended, and Thai clothing is also provided. This meditative form of bodywork helps to open the channels of the body, promote circulation, increase range of motion and calm the nervous system. Various techniques are used such as compression, traction, palming, tapotement, kneading, rocking/swaying, Sen line work and stretching. Warm Thai herbal compresses are deeply therapeutic and tonifying and used throughout the session. This bodywork is great for you if you are feeling stuck, tight and ungrounded. Locally made turmeric Thai warming herbal balm is used for problem areas. Practitioner: Nancy Ellis